The Panko Crowd Pleaser – Plus Yummy and Fun Fish for Kids

The Panko Crowd Pleaser – Plus Yummy and Fun Fish for Kids

Of all the species of fish available and all the different cooking methods we apply, shallow pan fried panko Blackfish is the crowd pleaser. From the mums and dads to teens and the grandparents it has been our experience on many occasions there is never any fish leftover!

The key to this dining success starts with the fish and how it is looked after at the point of capture.  Using GLF contracted fish handling techniques,GLF fishermen are experts in delivering all fish to that ‘sweet fish’ standard they know so well (see our video section where and how this methodology is applied).

The end result is fish fillets of delicious sweetness. Our NSW marine estuary Blackfish is a marvellous example of this.

This is how this fish should look….

This is the true appearance of a well handled Blackfish.

The fillets of this fish should be translucent not white (white can indicate lactic acid impacts). They should look like this ….

Perfect fillets ready for panko preparation.

Stage 1. Lay out your fillets on a cutting board and slice into bite size sections.

Stage 2. Using a fork and a medium bowl, beat one egg into an omelette like mix.

Stage 3. Place all fish pieces into the egg mix stirring to ensure all pieces are egg coated. Leave in the bowl while preparing panko.

Stage 4. Standard panko crumbs from your supermarket are great for this application…no need to go top shelf. Place about half a panko bag (100gm) in a largish bowl. Mix in with the pankos 2 tablespoons of cornflour. If some ‘zing’ in your food is your thing add 1 teaspoon of curry powder to the mix.

Stage 5. Using a fork individually add 5-6 pieces of the egg coated fish pieces. Shake the panko mix in a fashion to ensure all fish pieces are thoroughly coated. Then remove those pieces and place on a plate. Repeat this process until all pieces are panko covered.

Stage 6. Cooking. Using an electric or cook top pan, add extra virgin olive oil to about 3mm depth. Bring to a strong heat and add panko fish pieces one at a time. Cook to the golden colour you desire and turn over (usually about 3 minutes first side, 2 minutes second side). Have a paper towel covered cooking tray or plate nearby to place the cooked panko fish pieces on as you go…

Allow your panko fish pieces to cool slightly, add salt and lemon as desired and serve with fresh salad.

This salad is particularly special as it is accompanied by Sandra’s home made Byron Bay coleslaw (ask for the recipe).  The great aspect of this meal is it can serve as many people as you are willing to keep cooking panko fish pieces for!

Another great aspect is when the fish pieces are cut into ‘chip’ size then pankoed  (or breadcrumbed for the little ones) kids love them…they really are yummy and fun!

Panko Blackfish pieces are amazing! They are very affordable, nutritious so delicious and a great staple for any family weekly menu. Enjoy!