GLF Fish – Under Its Own Steam

GLF Fish – Under Its Own Steam

When a night cooking inside is preferable, this very simple and tasty way to cook GLF fish is also a great option. While all GLF fish species are delicious using this method, one of the best options to use is Sand Whiting….a very light and delicate fish ideal for steaming.

Using the same ‘Y bone fillet’ place your fillets on a lightly oiled plate ready for steaming. Add a little lemon juice and Himalayan salt to the fillets.

Prepare a medium size sauce pan with approximately 3cm of water and bring to the boil. 

Place your plate and fillets on top of the sauce pan covering the fillets with the sauce pan lid. Set your timer to 5 minutes and prepare to be amazed!

Tip Excess water off then garnish with fresh parsley, a touch more lemon and serve!

Sand Whiting cooked this way is so very sweet, light and healthy you will definitely be coming back for more GLF quality fish.
