God’s Gift to Summer BBQs – Mullet (old faithful)

Cooking Mullet - God’s Gift to Summer BBQs | Great Lakes Fisheries

God’s Gift to Summer BBQs – Mullet (old faithful)

For as long as the NSW fishing industry has existed, Mullet has been a key species enjoyed by many generations of fishermen and their families. Long before more glamorous and exotic fish species became fashionable, Mullet has maintained its dietary place in fishermen‘s family fare to this day. And the reason is simple – done right it tastes great! It is also as easy as it gets.

All you need is olive oil, salt, lemon and a hot BBQ plate. Importantly too in order to achieve that amazing taste the Mullet used must be caught and handled according to Great Lakes Fisheries (GLF) award winning fish handling best practice.

Preparation – Obtain a GLF standard Mullet from your favourite fish retailer. Approximately 600-800g whole. Ask your retailer to ‘Y bone fillet’ your Mullet. Alternatively, we would be happy to post a demo video of how to ‘Y’ bone fillet your fish – its so easy! This will leave you with 2 boneless fillets.

Usually one fish per person (2 fillets) is a good rule of thumb. Store at 2-4 degrees until ready to cook. BBQ – a smooth BBQ plate is ideal ensuring it is well oiled in readiness for your fillets. Bring plate to a strong heat where some smoking starts adding a small amount of oil immediately before placing your mullet fillets on the plate. Slightly ease back heat cooking fillets till almost completely white through with some browning commencing around the edges of the fish. This takes about 5 minutes.

Drizzle a small amount of oil on top of the fillet then using a metal spatula firmly slide under the fillet and turn over. Cook on this side for approximately 2 minutes. Flip once more and serve with liberal splashes of fresh lemon juice. A salad of cos lettuce, tomato, cucumber, feta cheese and avocado pieces is an ideal companion for your BBQ Mullet fillets.

Or in winter a selection of your favourite greens and roast veggies is an excellent accompaniment.

This is a healthy and well priced meal taking full advantage of the high Omega 3 content of this beautiful fish.
